Monday, June 7, 2010

Barbara's Bakery Peanut Butter Puffins

I am a total cereal girl. I've been known to eat cereal for dinner or lunch, as well as breakfast. I love that it's like an instant meal with no cooking and no prep. I know that the existence of cereal is the only reason I have breakfast sometimes. I'm not a morning person.

Sadly, the cereals I grew up on were terrible sugar cereals. Things I cringe to see kids eating today, because I know how bad they are for someone first hand. When I ate the worst cereals, especially with nothing else, I'd be hungry an hour later, and sometimes I didn't make it that far an would eat two bowls in a row. And that just wrecked havok on my entire day's worth of nutrition.

These days I try to eat better, so my cereals have way less sugar and zero high fructose corn syrup, and more fiber and healthy grains. One of my favorite cereals is Barbara's Bakery Peanut Butter Puffins. It's not the Grand Poomba of healthy cereals, but it's actually pretty up there with simple ingredients, not to mention delicious taste (see nutrition panel below). I love peanut butter flavor!

Ranking: *****

***** awesome! Highly recommended.
**** hey, this is pretty dang good.
*** not bad at all.
** eh.
* bad. Keep looking for alternatives.

[Barbara's Bakery can be found at Sprouts, Whole Foods, Fry's Marketplace, and some of the mainstream groceries.]


girl least likely to said...

have you tried the peanut butter pows at whole foods? they're pretty awesome, and i love mixing a box of them with a box of cosmic cocos for my own hippie reese's cereal. ;)

Xhanthi said...

After several years living in this country I have reached the conclusion that Americans are fueled by peanut butter! I've never seen so many zany peanut butter creations.

Kenike said...

Gllt- Nope, I haven't even heard of them. I'll have to check them out.

Missanthropics- Absolutely! It's one of my favorite foods!

What would you say Australians are fueled by?

I've probably already told you this story, but when my sister and I were in Europe in 2000 we made friends with several Australians. We talked up the peanut butter and they talked up the vegemite. We agreed to try each other's products. Of course, we were in Englad at the time, so we had to give them British peanut butter which is absolutely not the same thing as traditional American peanut butter, like Jif.

It was a horrible trade. We gave them something delicious (tho slightly subpar) to try and they tried to poison us. So, they professed they were not big fans of the peanut butter and could take it or leave it. BUT when they came to visit us here a few years later, I got one of them hooked on peanut butter M&Ms and some other kind of peanut butter goody, I forget exactly. I realize of course that those were sugarfied peanut butters...haha...but they still have a very peanut butter taste.

I'll eat just about anything with peanut butter. I've since switched to natural peanut butters, something I never thought I could do, but I love it even without the extra sugar. I make a lot of peanut butter cookies, peanut butter cups, pb & j sammies, peanut butter smoothies...Oh great, now I am wanting a peanut butter smoothie. Thanks, Missanthropics!