Tuesday, July 13, 2010

On the Road: Takzin Thai Restaurant, Tarzana, CA

One of the biggest disappointments on the trip was that we headed out to Tarzana for Madeleine Bistro for their infamous weekend brunch only to discover it was closed for the week of the 4th of July. I was beyond crushed. There was nothing on their website indicating they would be closed more than just Independence Day and the sign on their door directed us to Facebook for news and the status, but their FB page had zero information about the closure. I know, calling ahead my have helped. Anyway, this post is for anyone who encounters Madeleine Bistro unexpectedly closed.

Since we had already fed a parking meter, we walked across the street and went to Takzin Thai Restaurant. It wasn't vegan, but it was vegan-friendly as many Thai places are. One of the things to watch out for at Thai restaurants is fish sauce, so just make sure to specify no fish sauce, in addition to the regular requests of no dairy, eggs, or meat.

Here is what I ordered.

Pineapple Fried Rice

The Pineapple Fried Rice was pretty tasty. I asked for them to add fried tofu to the dish. The only drawback was that the fried tofu bits had no real flavor. I hate when tofu is just added straight into a dish without really soaking in some kind of sauce. But, it was a quick fix, I just sprinkled a little soy sauce on just the tofu and everything was great. I loved the variety of ingredients in the rice; tofu, raisins, carrots, cucumbers, pineapple, tomatoes, bell pepper, onion, and cashews. Considering that I was eating it while I was in a grumpy mood, and there was no way it could be as satisfying as Madeleine Bistro, I'd order it again.

Takzin Thai Restaurant
(We had the place to ourselves with a late lunch.)

Takzin Thai Restaurant
Ranking: ***

***** awesome! Highly recommended.
**** hey, this is pretty dang good.
*** not bad at all.
** eh.
* bad. Keep looking for alternatives.


Takzin Thai Restaurant
18594 Ventura Blvd
Tarzana, CA 91356
(818) 757-1514
Takzin Thai Menu

Call for hours.


Anonymous said...

Definitely let them know not to use eggs in your fried rice. Mom always used eggs in hers.

I used to not like tofu, because mom would just fried without putting it in sauce and then stir fry it when people ordered it.

It wasn't until I had it cooked with sauce that I learned to like it.

Kenike said...

Yeah, eggs weren't listed as one of the ingredients, but with fried rice, you never know.

And tofu can be pretty awesome if it is cooked right. And I do think it usually needs a sauce.