Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Composting and Vegetable Garden Classes

I've talked about composting before, as in, I want to take a composting class and here are some being offered in the valley. Well, tis the season are some upcoming classes for both composting and gardening in the desert. Check your particular city for other options as these are just a sampling.

Parks and Rec Classes
Organic Gardening
Learn to prepare soil, make compost and use organic fertilizers and soil amendments.
Fee: $34 (Non-resident $41)
Oct. 6, 10 AM (4 hours)

Gardening; Vegetable Gardens
Learn how to plant, fertilize and care for your vegetable garden - naturally.
Fee: $14.
Sept. 27, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

City Classes
Landscape/Gardening Classes
Saturday, Oct. 16, Glendale Main Library
1 to 2:15 p.m. Vegetable Gardening – Learn how, when, and what to plant.
2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Composting – Several methods of composting and soil building will be presented.
3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Care of lawns - Will include how to install, water and care for winter and summer lawns.

Backyard Composting: Breaking it Down to the Basics
Saturday, Oct. 9, 1:30 – 4 P.M., Mesa Main Library

Winter Vegetable Gardening
Saturday, October 2, 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Southwest Gardener, Phoenix
Local grower Gregory Ware of Dos Arbolitos Nursery will share his considerable knowledge on growing veggies in the desert. Each participant takes home two six-packs of starter plants to get their garden growing. Cost $35.

Backyard Composting Basics with Doreen Pollack
Saturday, October 2,  1pm to 2:30pm – Central Slope Design Center, Phoenix
Turn your kitchen scraps and certain waste materials into nutrient-rich fertilzer! Compost not only provides a source of slow-release organic fertilizer, it also boosts the community of microorganism… $10 suggested donation


  1. Are you going to be taking one of these classes? I can't wait to hear about your adventures in composting!

  2. I'm eventually going to take one of these classes. I really want to compost. I have a [cheap-ass] barrel for it. I just need to get the system down.
