Monday, July 16, 2012

Kettle Cuisine Frozen Soups

Kettle Cuisine offers a couple of frozen soups that happen to be vegan. They're pretty healthy, with natural ingredients, and a low amount of calories. Sodium isn't perfect, of course, but not too bad. They're also gluten-free.

I was actually pleasantly surprised by these soups. I'm not really a fan of canned soups in general, so I wasn't expecting much from the frozen ones either.

Roasted Vegetable Soup
"Savoy cabbage, sweet carrots, tender potatoes and chopped leeks in a puree of sautéed vegetables with extra virgin olive oil and hints of thyme and clove."

This one was a little on the bland side, maybe just too leeky, but it wasn't too bad. I'd buy it again, but I wouldn't go out of my way for it. I think someone who likes leeks might like it a little better than I did, because I think it's just a flavor preference.

Tomato Soup with Garden Vegetables
"We cook red-ripe tomatoes to perfection, then combine them with hand-prepared squash, carrots, celery, green beans, and our own blend of Italian seasonings for a soup that is as full of flavor as it is fresh vegetables."

I've never really liked tomato soups, but I actually liked this one. I've bought this one several times now for lunch at work, and had some french bread with it. If you need something low calorie and pretty filling for a quick convenient lunch, this is  a good option.

Roasted Vegetable Soup
Rating: **1/2

Tomato Soup with Garden Vegetables
Rating: ***

***** awesome! Highly recommended.
**** hey, this is pretty dang good.
*** not bad at all.
** eh.
* bad. Keep looking for alternatives.

[You can find Kettle Cuisine frozen soups at Sprouts and Whole Foods, I know for sure, but you can probably also find them at your local grocery store.]

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