Friday, April 22, 2011

Cookie Recipes- Earth Day Phoenix 2011

There were four flavors of homemade cookies featured at Earth Day Phoenix; Chocolate Chip, Rocky Road, Espresso Chip Oatmeal, and another Chocolate Chip variation.

One of the chocolate chip recipes came from the cookbook, Vegan with a Vengeance by Isa Chandra Moskowitz (Thanks to vegan caterer extraordinaire, Rikki Cupcake for those). The rest of the recipes were from Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero's Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar and were made by myself and my sister (Thanks, sis!).

Over at Isa's Post Punk Kitchen website, she has the chocolate chip cookies from Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar featured. Here is the link to that delicious recipe. (I personally recommend the sweetened vanilla almond milk for baking, even tho Isa swears by unsweetened.)

I've featured the Rocky Road Cookies on here before, so I am just going to link to that older post.... Rocky Road recipe. I love these cookies. For such easy to make cookies, they really impress others.

If you want to the other two cookie recipes, I highly recommend tracking down these cookbooks. If you're desperate, email me and I'll make sure you get what you need.

It is safe to say, that if I am making cookies, my first stop is this book, Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar. If you like cookies, this book is seriously worth the purchase. I thought I would mention some highlights. The Chocolate Chip cookies are AMAZING and wildly popular (recipe link above). So are the Rocky Roads (link also above). My mother adores the Frosted Grapefruit Icebox Cookies. I never was a huge fan of Snickerdoodles, but I love the City Girl Snickerdoodles. And the Peanut Butter Chocolate Pillows are sublime! So many popular cookies are veganized and featured in this book; there's 100 cookie recipes inside.

And I just thought I would mention Terry and Isa's other dessert books, Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World (phenomenal!) and the forthcoming pie-themed book, Vegan Pie in the Sky: 75 Out-of-This-World Recipes for Pies, Tarts, Cobblers, and More . The pie book, due out in October, will also have an entire section on vegan cheesecake...I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. I love those book too! I was a tester for VCTOYCJ. So fun! I'm so sorry I missed out on this with you! But it looks like it was a great success. Great job.
